Serene Funeral Planning

Complaints Policy

It is our aim to give excellent service to all our customers, but we recognise that things can occasionally go wrong. We take any complaints that we receive seriously and we aim to resolve all of our customers’ concerns fairly, promptly and effectively. 

To ensure that we provide the king of service you expect we welcome your feedback. If at any time you are not happy with the service that we have given, please telephone 0330 175 9957 in order to explain your concerns. Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality purposes. 

Alternatively, if you want to write to us, please email your complaint to

Complaints can be made free of charge. If you are making a complaint via telephone your call will not be charged at any more than the basic rate of connection. 

We regard any expression of dissatisfaction from (or on behalf of) any client to be a complaint – irrespective of whether it is made orally or in writing, or whether it is justified or not. 

We will provide a copy of this procedure to any client who makes a complaint, or to any client who requests it. 

On receipt of a complaint from any source, we will do our best to resolve the issue as soon as possible, however, if we are unable to do this within 3 business days, we will pass the details to our Complaints Handler for acknowledgement and further investigation. 

We will:

  • Give you a full explanation and expected timescales; AND
  • If we are still not able to complete the complaint after 8 weeks, we will provide a further update. However, we will always try to resolve the complaint within the 8-week period. 

Our Complaints Handler will review the details of the matter complained about – and will examine the file, and any other relevant information. If the complaint is in respect of business arranged by our Complaints Handler, another senior employee will investigate it. In order to resolve your problem we will review all the documentation and information necessary to enable us to carry our a thorough investigation. In some instances we may need you to provide us with further information or to provide us with authority to contact a third party. All complaints are treated and recorded in the same way. We acknowledge all complaints within 3 business days. This letter may contain an offer to settle, where appropriate. 

Once the investigation is completed, our Complaints Handler will write to you with their appraisal of the matter – along with an outline of our intended course of action. This document is referred to as our ‘Final Response’. Included in this response will be an offer to settle the matter – and if compensation is deemed appropriate, the amount we are offering. Any offer we make will be a fair offer, taking all the facts into account. An offer of settlement can range from an apology to financial compensation. 

If we are not in a position to make an offer to settle the matter within 8 weeks following your initial complaint, we will write to you again: 

  • Setting out why the matter is still unresolved
  • Giving a full summary of our investigation to date, and explaining why we have not been able to conclude the matter
  • Setting out what further action we will now undertake
  • Providing contact information for the Ombudsman to whom you can escalate your grievance. As well as the details of our regulator.

If we do not receive a response from you within 8 weeks of our Final Response, we will treat the matter as closed. 

If, following the Final Response you remain unsatisfied, the complaint can be referred to the Ombudsman. Contact details and a leaflet about the Ombudsman will be sent to you with our Final Response. 

If the complaint is about a third party, we will refer the issue to the party concerned – and write to confirm we have done this. 

Please be assured that we treat all complaints very seriously. We will conduct a full review, and hope to conclude all matters to the mutual satisfaction of the concerned parties as quickly as possible – whilst maintaining appropriate records at all times.

Clearly, we would always want to resolve any concerns you raise with us internally. However, should you remain dissatisfied following our final written response, or 8 weeks have elapsed since you raised your complaint with us and you are not happy with the progress made, you can refer the matter to:

Financial Obudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR

Their phone lines are open between 8am and 5pm, Monday to Friday – and 9am to 1pm on a Saturday. At times, you might need to wait to speak to someone. 

Tel: 0800 023 45 67

You can send an email to

Alternatively you can send them a direct message on Facebook or X

Following our Complaints Handling Procedures does not affect your right to take independent legal advice.


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Any Questions?

Call us on 0330 175 9957

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 9am-5pm Thursday late opening until 7pm Saturday 10am-1pm

Serene Funeral Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a Funeral Plan Provider. Registration Number: FRN 975199

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How we use your information: 

Serene Funeral Planning may occasionally provide you with relevant marketing updates. To view your rights concerning your Data Protection and how we use your data click here for Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

You can contact us on 0330 175 9957 or email if you want to make any changes to the way your data is used. We will not share your data with third-party organisations without your consent.