We will send a Funeral Plan Pack with your unique reference number and all relevant documents within 14 days of the plan start date. You should keep these in a safe place.
We suggest you consider appointing a nominated representative who will receive a copy of your plan documents. We also suggest you let loved ones know you have a funeral plan and tell them where your documents are located.
Yes, you can take a plan out for someone else to cover them against the rising cost of funerals. However, you must ensure the covered individual knows you are buying a plan on their behalf. All plan correspondence will be sent to your address.
You must notify us on the details below to advise of any permanent change of address so that, if appropriate, we will appoint an alternative funeral director.
If you or your plan representative need to contact us to make changes, please contact us:
By telephone – 0330 175 9957
By email – info@serenefp.co.uk or
By writing to – Serene Funeral Planning, Customer Services, Robin Hood House, Robin Hood Street, Nottingham NG3 1GF.
Contained within your funeral plan pack (which you receive after you purchase a Serene Funeral Plan), there is a letter containing the name and contact details of your nominated funeral director. In the event of your passing, your plan representative will contact your nominated funeral director. The funeral director will offer advice and guidance at the time of need.
We will appoint a nominated funeral director for you when you take out your funeral plan. If you have a preferred funeral director, please let us know when you apply, and we will endeavour to allocate your plan to your selected funeral director. In some circumstances this may not be possible. In the event of this occurring, we will contact you to discuss an alternative.
For all Whole of Life policies, the insurer will pay Serene Funeral Planning the proceeds. We will use the proceeds to pay the nominated funeral director for the funeral services contained within your funeral plan.
To cancel your plan, you can contact us:
By telephone – 0330 175 9957
By email – info@serenefp.co.uk or
By writing to Funeral Plan Support/ Cancellations, Serene Funeral Planning Limited, Robin Hood House, Robin Hood Street, Nottingham NG3 1GF.
Please refer to Terms and Conditions for further information.
Is the period of time between purchasing your plan and the services within the plan being full covered. The moratorium period changes depending on the payment option you have selected. Please refer to our Terms and Conditions for more information.
You can update your funeral wishes at any point during your plan life cycle. You can also update the names of your representative or nominated representative as you wish. These changes will not incur any additional costs.
There are no background medical checks .
If you die within the agreed moratorium period, all payments made will either be refunded to your estate or be available as a contribution towards your funeral. If you die out with the moratorium period, the services contained within your plan will be covered in full, provided all payments are up to date.
If Serene Funeral Planning, become insolvent or cannot meet our obligations, your funeral may be transferred and carried out by another funeral plan provider. If for any reason we cannot achieve this you will receive a payment equivalent to the funeral plan balance. You may be entitled to receive compensation from Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), please visit: www.fscs.org.uk or call 0800 678 1100.
The FSCS has been set up by the government to ensure consumers are protected in the event an authorised firm becomes insolvent and cannot meet their obligations. In the event that you made any financial loss, you or your estate may be entitled to receive compensation from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), please visit; https://www.fscs.org.uk/making-a-claim or call 0800 678 1100.
By Email at: info@serenefp.co.uk
By Telephone on: 0330 175 9957
By writing to: Serene Funeral Planning Limited, Robin Hood House, Robin Hood Street, Nottingham NG3 1GF
Serene Funeral Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a Funeral Plan Provider. Our Registration Number is: FRN 975199 and can be checked on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website https://register.fca.org.uk
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 9am-5pm Thursday late opening until 7pm Saturday 10am-1pm
How we use your information:
Serene Funeral Planning may occasionally provide you with relevant marketing updates. To view your rights concerning your Data Protection and how we use your data click here for Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
You can contact us on 0330 175 9957 or email info@serenefp.cp.uk if you want to make any changes to the way your data is used. We will not share your data with third-party organisations without your consent.