“Accidental Death” means death which occurs within 90 days of an accident. In this instance our definition of an accident is where a bodily injury is sustained, caused by accidental, violent, external, and visible means, which solely and independently of any other cause results in death.The benefit will not be paid out if death occurs from:
“Administration Fee” means the fee to set up and process your plan. The administration fee of £195 is included in the plan price.
“Agreement” means the written agreement between us, made up of the application, the funeral plan summary, funeral wishes, nominated funeral directors’ details, IDD, nominated representative details (if applicable), unique reference number, and these terms and conditions.
“Application” means the application form you have completed with Serene Funeral Planning.
“Authorised Provider” means another firm which has appropriate permission from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to carry out funeral plan contracts as a provider.
“Cooling Off Period” means the 30 days after your Funeral Plan start date during which you can cancel your plan.
“Covered Individual” means the person the funeral plan has been purchased for. This person will be named in the funeral plan summary as the plan holder.
“Fixed Monthly Payments” means the agreed fixed monthly payments that you will pay each month by direct debit to Serene Funeral Planning. Payments will be made until your date of death or until the policy anniversary following your 90th birthday (whichever is sooner).
“FSCS” means the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Details can be found at www.fscs.org.uk.
“Funeral Wishes” means any personal wishes you would like to add as to how you would like your funeral to be conducted. The recorded details will be included in your funeral plan pack.
“Funeral Plan Pack” means the pack sent to you within 14 days of the start date of your plan. Your funeral plan pack will include your funeral plan summary, funeral wishes, nominated funeral directors’ details, IDD, nominated representative details (if applicable), card with your unique reference number, and these terms and conditions.
“Funeral Plan Summary” means the documentation summarising the services contained within your chosen funeral plan.
“Funeral Services” means the funeral services contained within your funeral plan. The services vary dependent upon the plan you have chosen.
“Instalment Charge” means the additional payments included in the price of any plan where instalments are being paid.
“Insurance Provider” means the Life Insurance Company chosen by Serene Funeral Planning to place the funds for your funeral.
“Nominated Funeral Director” means the funeral director appointed at point of sale to carry out your chosen funeral. The details of your nominated funeral director are contained within the funeral plan summary.
“Nominated Representative” means the person the plan holder would like to make aware that they have taken out a plan. A nominated representative has no authority to make changes to the plan. They can also receive a copy of your funeral plan documents if you have given us authority to do so.
“Payment in Full” means payment in full by one single payment, at the time you take out your plan.
“Payment Shortfall” means payments missed when paying by the instalment option, (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’)
“Payment Method” means the way in which you have chosen to pay for your plan.
“Plan” means the funeral plan you have chosen, as governed by this agreement.
“Plan Holder” means the person that the plan is for, this person will be named in the funeral plan summary.
“Plan Price” means the price of your plan at the time of the application if you are paying by payment in full or by a monthly instalment.
“Plan Purchaser” means the person who is paying for the plan and is responsible for making all the payments due under the payment method. The plan purchaser may not be the Covered Individual; however, they have an obligation to inform the Covered Individual that they have purchased a plan on their behalf.
“Plan Start Date” means the date that your plan commences. Your plan commences once Serene Funeral Planning have accepted and processed your application..
“5 Year Plan” means the monthly payment paid by direct debit by the plan purchaser to Serene Funeral Planning, for a 5-year term, until your plan is paid in full or until the time of need, whichever is sooner.
“10 Year Plan” means the monthly payment paid by direct debit by the plan purchaser to Serene Funeral Planning, for a 10-year term, until your plan is paid in full or until the time of need, whichever is sooner.
“Shortfall payments” means failure to maintain monthly payments.
“Unique Reference Number” means the internal number Serene Funeral Planning assigns to your plan for identification.
“Us/We/Our” means Serene Funeral Planning.
“You/Your” means the plan holder whose name appears on the funeral plan.
2.1: To purchase a Funeral Plan from Serene Funeral Planning you must be a UK resident and be over the age of 18.
2.2: This plan is available to plan holders who are aged between 50 and 74 at the date of the application.
2.3: This plan covers the cost of funerals provided they are conducted in Scotland, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. The funeral must be conducted in the territories mentioned above.
2.4: The plan does not cover the costs of repatriation.
2.5: There are no health questions or medical examinations for taking out a Funeral Plan.
3.1: Subject to these terms and conditions, your funeral plan summary will detail what is included in your selected Funeral Plan. Your selected Serene Funeral Plan guarantees the funeral directors services and includes a contribution towards disbursements (third party costs) for the services noted on your funeral plan summary.
3.2: We will appoint a nominated funeral director to provide the funeral services described within your funeral plan at the time of need. The nominated funeral director’s details will be included in your funeral plan pack. If the nominated funeral director cannot for any reason perform your funeral, we will appoint an alternative nominated funeral director.
3.3: Your plan covers the services of the nominated funeral director to provide the goods and services described within your funeral plan pack after receipt by us of the application. If any of the goods or services, which are to be directly provided by the nominated funeral director, are not available at the time of the funeral, they will provide an alternative of at least equal quality and value at no further charge.
3.4: Please note, if for any reason we appoint a new or different nominated funeral director to carry out your chosen funeral, we will inform you before we do so.
3.5: If your nominated representative wishes to change the nominated funeral director at the time of need, we may have to cancel the plan and refund to your estate all monies due, less a £195 Administration Fee.
3.6: Your nominated funeral director will fulfil your plan and accommodate any reasonable additional requests from your nominated representative. Any additional requests will not be covered by your selected funeral plan and if costs occur because of these additional services, these will be payable to the funeral director at the time of need.
3.7: The plan includes the services described in the funeral plan summary which forms part of your agreement.
4.1: The cost for other services which are not provided as stated within your funeral plan, for example, newspaper obituary, funeral tea, flowers, orders of service, headstone, etc are not included within our plans. Any additional requests will not be covered by your selected funeral plan and if costs occur because of these additional services, these will be payable to the funeral director at the time of need.
4.2: All crematorium charges (i.e. cremation fee, live streaming, music or pictorial tributes etc.) are not covered in the cost of this plan, however, the contribution towards disbursements can be used towards these.
4.3: The plan does not cover the purchase of a burial plot or memorial headstone.
4.4: Your plan does not include costs associated with the conveyancing of the deceased from a location further than 25 miles from your nominated funeral director’s premises.
4.5: Costs associated with air and ferry travel are not included within the plan.
4.6: The costs if you pass away outside of the UK, to cover the costs of bringing you back to an airport or port in the UK, as all plans do not include any repatriation services.
4.7: Transportation costs if you choose a crematorium which is more than 25 miles from your nominated funeral director’s premises.
4.8: The duration of your required funeral service is significantly longer than the average service and allocated time.
4.9: Additional charges may be applied if the funeral service takes place on a public holiday, weekend or at a location which is subject to a residential surcharge.
5.1: You can update your funeral wishes at any point during your plan life cycle. You can also update the names of your representative or nominated representative as you wish. These changes will not incur any additional costs.
6.1: Once your plan is live you will not be able to amend the plan type including guaranteed services within your plan. You will not be able to change the name of the covered individual on the funeral plan and you will not be able to amend the amount included within the plan.
7.1: All plans except for the Basic plan includes an allowance towards the cost of a burial fee as stated in your funeral plan summary.
7.2: We will advise your representative of the value of the burial contribution at the time of arranging the funeral.
7.3: If the contribution towards the cost of the burial does not cover the actual burial cost at the time of arranging, your representative must pay the difference at the time of the funeral to the nominated funeral director.
7.4: The allowance attributed does not cover the purchase of the burial plot or headstone.
There are 4 payment options available to you to pay for your funeral plan.
Option 1: Payment in Full
8.1: There are no health restrictions when purchasing this plan.
8.2: A one off payment can be made to purchase your plan and the money paid to Serene Funeral Planning will be used to purchase a whole of life insurance policy with a life insurance company who are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
8.3: If you wish to cancel during the first 30 days from the plan start date, we will refund all monies paid including our £195 administration fee.
8.4: If you wish to cancel 30 days after the plan start date, we will refund all monies paid excluding our £195 administration fee.
8.5: Serene Funeral Plans are provided by Serene Funeral Planning Limited.
Option 2: 5-year Instalment payment option
8.7: There are no health restrictions when purchasing this plan.
8.8: The payment for this plan will be taken as a monthly Direct Debit by Serene Funeral Planning for a fixed term of 5 years or until the time of death, (whichever comes sooner)
8.9: Serene Funeral Planning will use your payments to purchase a whole of life insurance policy with a life insurance company who are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, (after we deduct our £195 administration fee).
8.10: If you choose to pay by a monthly instalment payment option, this will result in you paying more for your funeral plan than if you had chosen the ‘payment in full’ option.
8.11: You must be aged between 50 and 74 to qualify for this instalment payment method.
8.12: The monthly payment for your funeral plan will be dependent upon varying factors, for example, your age at the point of plan purchase, your choice of plan and the number of years you wish to pay the plan over.
8.13: As the plan purchaser, you are responsible for making payments to Serene Funeral Planning in accordance with these terms and conditions.
8.14: If you are purchasing the plan on behalf of a covered individual, you must ensure the person you are purchasing the plan for, knows you are purchasing a plan on their behalf. All the plan correspondence will be sent to your address.
8.15: If you do not maintain monthly payments, then the plan may be cancelled.
8.16: If the missed payments occur within the 12-month moratorium period, you will receive a refund of all payments made including a £195 administration fee. (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’)
8.17: If the missed payments occur out with the 12-month moratorium period, then your plan may be cancelled, and no refund of any payments made will be given. This plan has no cash in value. (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’)
8.18: After you have made 12 months of consecutive payments to your funeral plan, the funeral services detailed within your plan will be guaranteed in the event of your death, provided all payments are up to date (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’)
8.19: Accidental death within the first 12 months of plan start date will result in you receiving the full plan benefits without any additional payment necessary. (Please refer to Accidental Death description within ‘Definitions’ section of these terms and conditions).
8.20: If your death occurs within the 12-month moratorium period, all monies paid will be available as a contribution towards the cost of the funeral services provided by the funeral director.
8.21: On your death, the proceeds of the funeral plan will be paid directly to Serene Funeral Planning’s segregated client account. Serene will then pay the nominated funeral director for the services contained within the plan.
8.22: You must inform us of any change to your address as soon as reasonably possible. This may result in a change of nominated funeral director and this may incur additional costs, which will be explained at the point of notification.
8.23: If you wish to cancel your plan within the first 12 months of the plan start date, you will receive a refund of all payments made including the £195 administration fee. (Please refer to section 11, in these terms and conditions ‘Cancelling Your Plan’).
8.24: If you wish to cancel your plan 12 months after the plan start date, we will not refund any payments made. This plan has no cash in value. (Please refer to section 11, in these terms and conditions ‘Cancelling Your Plan’).
Option 3: 10-year Instalment payment option
8.25: There are no health restrictions when purchasing this plan.
8.26: The payment for this plan will be taken as a monthly Direct Debit by Serene Funeral Planning for a fixed term of 10 years or until the time of death, (whichever comes sooner).
8.27: Serene Funeral Planning will use your payments to purchase a whole of life insurance policy with a life insurance company who are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, (after we deduct our £195 administration fee).
8.28: If you choose to pay by a monthly instalment payment option, this will result in you paying more for your funeral plan than if you had chosen the payment in full option.
8.29: You must be aged between 50 and 74 to qualify for this instalment payment method.
8.30: The monthly payment for your funeral plan will be dependent upon varying factors, for example, your age at the point of plan purchase, your choice of plan and the number of years you wish to pay the plan over.
8.31: As the plan purchaser, you are responsible for making payments to Serene Funeral Planning in accordance with these terms and conditions.
8.32: If you are purchasing the plan on behalf of a covered individual, you must ensure the person you are purchasing the plan for, knows you are purchasing a plan on their behalf. All the plan correspondence will be sent to your address.
8.33: If you do not maintain monthly payments, then the plan may be cancelled.
8.34: If the missed payments occur within the 24-month moratorium period, you will receive a refund of all payments made including a £195 administration fee. (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’).
8.35: If the missed payments occur out with the 24-month moratorium period, then your plan may be cancelled, and no refund of any payments made will be given. This plan has no cash in value. Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’).
8.36: After you have made 24 months of consecutive payments to your funeral plan, the funeral services detailed within your plan will be guaranteed in the event of your death, provided all payments are up to date (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’).
8.37: Accidental death within the first 24 months of plan start date will result in you receiving the full plan benefits without any additional payment necessary. (Please refer to Accidental Death description within ‘definitions’ section of these terms and conditions).
8.38: If your death occurs within the 24-month moratorium period, all monies paid will be available as a contribution towards the cost of the funeral services provided by the funeral director.
8.39: On your death, the proceeds of the funeral plan will be paid directly to Serene Funeral Planning’s segregated client account. Serene will then pay the nominated funeral director for the services contained within the plan.
8.40: You must inform us of any change to your address as soon as reasonably possible. This may result in a change of nominated funeral director and this may incur additional costs, which will be explained at the point of notification.
8.41: If you wish to cancel your plan within the first 24 months of the plan start date, you will receive a refund of all payments made including the £195 administration fee. (Refer to section 11, in these terms and conditions ‘Cancelling Your Plan’).
8.42: If you wish to cancel your plan 24 months after the plan start date, we will not refund any of the payments made. This plan has no cash in value. (Refer to section 11, in these terms and conditions ‘Cancelling Your Plan’).
Option 4: Fixed Monthly Payment Option
8.43: There are no health restrictions when purchasing this plan.
8.44: The payment for this plan will be taken as a monthly Direct Debit by Serene Funeral Planning who will collect the fixed monthly payments until your date of death or until the policy anniversary following your 90th birthday (whichever is sooner).
8.45: Serene Funeral Planning will use your payments to purchase a whole of life insurance policy with a life insurance company who are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (after we deduct our £195 administration fee).
8.46: If you choose to pay by a monthly instalment payment option, this will result in you paying more for your funeral plan than if you had chosen the payment in full option.
8.47: You must be aged between 50 and 74 to qualify for this instalment payment method.
8.48: The monthly payment for your funeral plan will be dependent upon varying factors, for example, your age at the point of plan purchase, your choice of plan and the number of years you wish to pay the plan over.
8.49: As the plan purchaser, you are responsible for making payments to Serene Funeral Planning in accordance with these terms and conditions.
8.50: If you are purchasing the plan on behalf of a covered individual, you must ensure the person you are purchasing the plan for, knows you are purchasing a plan on their behalf. All the plan correspondence will be sent to your address.
8.51: If you do not maintain monthly payments, then the plan may be cancelled.
8.52: If the missed payments occur within the 24-month moratorium period, you will receive a refund of all payments made including a £195 administration fee. (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’).
8.53: If the missed payments occur out with the 24-month moratorium period, then your plan may be cancelled, and no refund of any payments made will be given. This plan has no cash in value. (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’).
8.54: After you have made 24 months of consecutive payments to your funeral plan, the funeral services detailed within your plan will be guaranteed in the event of your death, provided all payments are up to date (Please refer to section 14 ‘Shortfall Payments’).
8.55: Accidental death within the first 24 months of plan start date will result in you receiving the full plan benefits without any additional payment necessary. (Please refer to Accidental Death description within ‘definitions’ section of these terms and conditions).
8.56: If your death occurs within the 24-month moratorium period, all monies paid will be available as a contribution towards the cost of the funeral services provided by the funeral director.
8.57: On your death, the proceeds of the funeral plan will be paid directly to Serene Funeral Planning’s segregated client account. Serene will then pay the nominated funeral director for the services contained within the plan.
8.58: You must inform us of any change to your address as soon as reasonably possible. This may result in a change of nominated funeral director and this may incur additional costs, which will be explained at the point of notification.
8.59: If you wish to cancel your plan within the first 24 months of the plan start date, you will receive a refund of all payments made including the £195 administration fee. (Refer to section 12, in these terms and conditions ‘Cancelling Your Plan’).
8.60: If you wish to cancel your plan 24 months after the plan start date, we will not refund any payments made. This plan has no cash in value. (Refer to section 12, in these terms and conditions ‘Cancelling Your Plan’). If you or your Representative need to get in touch with us about the plan, please contact us by phone on 0330 175 9957, by email info@serenefp.co.uk or in writing to Serene Funeral Planning, 17 Admiral Street, Kinning Park, Glasgow, G41 1HP. Please note that for all Whole of Life policies the provider will pay Serene Funeral Planning the proceeds. We will use the proceeds to pay the Nominated Funeral Director for the services included within your Funeral Plan.
9.1: Your funeral wishes can be recorded when taking out your funeral plan, or at any time during your plan life cycle. These will be used as a guide for your plan representative when discussing your funeral arrangements with your nominated funeral director. If there are any additional costs incurred these will be payable directly to the funeral director during the arrangement.
10.1: At the time of need, your representative, or family will call your nominated funeral director to advise of your passing. Details of the funeral director are contained within your funeral plan pack. They are advised to call the number provided and quote your name and unique reference number. This will activate the plan and arrangements can begin.
11.1: You must notify us on the details below to advise of any permanent change of address so that, if appropriate we will appoint an alternative funeral director. A change of funeral director may incur additional costs, but these costs will be explained to you when you advise of the change address. If you or your representative need to contact us to make changes, please contact us: by Telephone – 0330 175 9957, by Email – info@serenefp.co.uk or by Writing to – Serene Funeral Planning, Customer Service, Robin Hood House, Robin Hood Street, Nottingham NG3 1GF.
12.1: We aim to provide excellent customer service, however if feel you wish to lodge a complaint you can telephone, email, or write to us. All complaints are taken seriously. We will acknowledge your complaint on receipt and if your complaint is escalated, we will acknowledge your receipt in writing within 5 working days. We will then investigate your complaint and aim to resolve it within 10 working days, but in some circumstances, it may take up to eight weeks to resolve. Customer Resolution Team. You can call us on 0330 175 9957. Or email us: info@serenefp.co.uk, or write to us at: Serene Funeral Planning, Customer Resolution Team, Robin Hood Street, Robin Hood House, Nottingham NG3 1GF.
13.1: You have the right to cancel your plan and to receive a full refund with no obligation by contacting us within 30 days of the Plan Start Date. If you decide to cancel your plan within the 30-day Cooling Off Period, any monies paid will be refunded to you including the £195 administration fee, (this applies to Payment in full).
13.2: You have the right to cancel your plan and to receive a full refund with no obligation by contacting us within 30 days of the Plan Start Date. If you decide to cancel your plan after the 30-day Cooling Off Period, any monies paid will be refunded to you, less the administration fee of £195 (this applies to Payment in full).
13.3: If you have chosen to pay your plan by monthly instalments and you choose to cancel your plan 30 days after the plan start date and within the moratorium period, all monies paid will be refunded, including a £195 administration fee.
13.4: If you have chosen to pay your plan by monthly instalments and you choose to cancel your plan 30 days after the plan start date and out with the moratorium period, no monies will be refunded. This plan has no cash in value, however, if the payments made at the point of cancellation are more than the administration fee, the payments will be held by our insurance provider and continue to grow until the plan holder dies.
13.5: If you have chosen to pay for your plan by Fixed Monthly Payments until your 90th birthday or the anniversary of your policy start date (whichever comes sooner) and you choose to cancel your plan after 30 days after the plan start date, and within the 24-month moratorium period, all monies paid will be refunded including the £195 administration fee.
13.6: If you have chosen to pay for your plan by Fixed Monthly Payments until your 90th birthday or the anniversary of your policy start date (whichever comes sooner) and you choose to cancel your plan after 30 days after the plan start date, and out with the 24-month moratorium period, no monies will be refunded. This plan has no cash in value.
13.7: If you are paying by monthly instalments or fixed monthly payments and you do not maintain your payments, we have the right to cancel your funeral plan. Once your plan is cancelled, we will have no further obligation to fulfil your plan. If your plan is cancelled within the moratorium period, all monies paid will be refunded to the plan purchaser.
13.8: Your funeral plan cannot be cancelled after your death unless this is agreed with Serene Funeral Planning.
13.9: If any person wishes to have your funeral carried out by someone other than the nominated funeral director at the time of need, unless otherwise agreed with Serene Funeral Planning, they must pay for such funeral arrangements themselves.
13.10: All refunds made by us will be paid to the plan purchaser who made the original payment, using the original payment method.
13.11: Your plan representative must contact us when the plan holder dies. The funds in the plan will be available as a contribution towards the cost of the funeral services, minus the administration fee. No money will be refunded to the plan representative or the plan holder’s estate.
13.12: Once your plan is cancelled we will have no further obligation to fulfil your plan.
14.1: If you have chosen to pay your plan by monthly instalments and you miss a payment, (within the agreed moratorium period) Serene Funeral Planning will contact you within 5 working days of the missed instalment, to ascertain why the payment was missed. You have 10 working days from the date of the missed instalment to make the payment. If you do not make the missed payment and miss a second consecutive payment, we will again contact you to give you the opportunity to make the payments. If the payments are not made your plan may be cancelled by us, and all monies paid will be refunded.
14.2: If you have chosen to pay your plan by monthly instalments and you miss a payment, (out with the agreed moratorium period) Serene Funeral Planning will contact you within 5 working days of the missed instalment, to ascertain why the payment was missed. You have 10 working days from the date of the missed instalment to make the payment. If you do not make the missed payment and miss a second consecutive payment, we will again contact you to give you the opportunity to make the payments. If the payments are not made, your plan may be cancelled by us, and no monies paid will be refunded including the £195 administration fee. This plan has no cash in value.
14.3: If you have chosen to pay your plan by fixed monthly instalments and you miss a payment, (within the agreed moratorium period) Serene Funeral Planning will contact you within 5 working days of the missed instalment, to ascertain why the payment was missed. You have 10 working days from the date of the missed instalment to make the payment. If you do not make the missed payment and miss a second consecutive payment, we will again contact you to give you the opportunity to make the payments. If the payments are not made your plan may be cancelled by us, and all monies paid will be refunded.
14.4: If you have chosen to pay your plan by fixed monthly instalments and you miss a payment, (out with the agreed moratorium period) Serene Funeral Planning will contact you within 5 working days of the missed instalment, to ascertain why the payment was missed. You have 10 working days from the date of the missed instalment to make the payment. If you do not make the missed payment and miss a second consecutive payment, we will again contact you to give you the opportunity to make the payments. If the payments are not made, your plan may be cancelled by us, and no monies paid will be refunded including the £195 administration fee. This plan has no cash in value.
14.5: On each occasion a statement will be posted to you detailing the payment amount due, and the consequences of non-payment.
15.1: All Serene funeral plans are insurance backed.
15.2: All payments made by you are paid into the Serene Segregated client account, and we use that money to purchase a whole of life insurance policy from a life insurance provider who is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
15.3: Serene will receive a commission from the insurance provider which covers our fees and expenses. This does not affect the price of your plan.
15.4: The commission payment we receive will be determined by, your age at the time of purchasing the plan, the payment method you choose, and the type of plan you choose.
15.5: If you would like any further information in relation to commission paid to Serene, you can request this by contacting Serene Funeral Planning on 0330 175 9957 or by email to info@serenefp.co.uk
16.1: In the unlikely event that Serene Funeral Planning was to become insolvent and cease trading, there will be a reasonable likelihood that the relevant funeral plan contract will continue to be carried out by another firm, who is regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority.
16.2: If your funeral plan contract will not continue to be carried out by another firm, then you or your estate would receive a prompt payment in accordance with the corresponding funeral plan balance.
16.3: In the event of our company failing, the plan may cease, and the contract is not carried out. This would mean alternative arrangements might need to be made on the death of the life covered in the plan.
16.4: If you made any financial loss, you or your estate may be able to make a claim to the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. https://www.fscs.org.uk/makinga- claim visit their website for more information. Serene Funeral Planning contact details: Via email at: info@serenefp.co.uk or in writing at: Serene Funeral Planning, Robin Hood House, Robin Hood Street, Nottingham NG3 1GF.
Serene Funeral Planning Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a Funeral Plan Provider. Our Registration Number is: FRN 975199 and can be checked on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website https://register.fca.org.uk
Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 9am-5pm Thursday late opening until 7pm Saturday 10am-1pm
How we use your information:
Serene Funeral Planning may occasionally provide you with relevant marketing updates. To view your rights concerning your Data Protection and how we use your data click here for Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions
You can contact us on 0330 175 9957 or email info@serenefp.cp.uk if you want to make any changes to the way your data is used. We will not share your data with third-party organisations without your consent.